During a heart attack, a myocardial infarction, a coronary artery becomes clogged, preventing oxygen-rich blood from reaching the heart muscle. A heart attack is regarded as a medical emergency of the highest severity. When blood flow to your heart is stopped or reduced, it may cause serious problems. The heart muscle will perish if blood flow is not restored as soon as possible. According to new research, younger women are experiencing more heart attacks. Researchers were astonished to see that, although the risk of heart attacks has dropped among older persons, it has increased among those aged 35 to 54, particularly women.
Do Men And Women Have Different Symptoms Of A Heart Attack?
The most well-known signs of a heart attack include chest tightness, sweat, and pain in the shoulder and arm. For many years, many people thought that these were the only signs to watch out for, but as we learn more about cardiovascular illness, we discover that men and women suffer heart attacks in very different ways.
Women’s Heart Attack Risk Factors
Recognizing the signs of a heart attack might be difficult for women. Those symptoms are often less severe than the heart-clutching anguish associated with men’s heart attacks. Women often tend to downplay their symptoms or blame them on things like stress, muscular pain, or indigestion. Understanding the more subtle signs of heart attacks in women is critical to receiving prompt treatment when necessary.
Several Risk Factors Might Raise Your Risk Of Having Heart Disease
High Blood Pressure:
High blood pressure may occur in women as a side effect of birth control medications or during pregnancy. According to the American Heart Association, women over 65 are more likely than men to have high blood pressure.
Cholesterol Levels That Are Too High:
Estrogen seems to prevent women from experiencing high blood pressure. However, estrogen levels diminish after menopause, making high cholesterol more prevalent.
While males are somewhat more likely to smoke, the gender difference in cigarette consumption is narrower than ever, and women are less likely to be able to stop effectively.
Other Risk Factors Include:
- Diabetes
- Heredity
- The age (risk increases as you get older)
- Unhealthy eating habits
- Physical sedentism
- Excessive alcohol consumption
For women, cigarette smoking is the last risk factor to consider, and it poses a greater hazard than it does for men, especially for young women. A pre-menopausal woman who smokes has a significantly increased chance of heart attack. It’s also worth noting that type 2 diabetes is thought to be a sign of underlying cardiovascular disease. Diabetes is expected to rob women of their 10-year edge over males in coronary artery disease if they get it before menopause.
Learn How To Spot A Heart Attack.
When asked about the symptoms of a heart attack, most people immediately think of chest discomfort. However, experts have discovered that heart attack symptoms aren’t often evident during several decades. Symptoms may manifest in various ways and rely on various circumstances, including whether you’re a male or a woman, the kind of heart disease you have, and your age. It’s essential to comprehend further the wide range of symptoms that suggest a heart attack. Discovering additional knowledge may assist you in determining when to help yourself and your loved ones.
Do Women’s Symptoms Vary From Men’s?
It’s crucial to understand that everyone (male and female) has distinct heart attack symptoms. A second heart attack symptoms may vary from those of the first. Women are more likely than males to encounter heart attack symptoms without experiencing chest pain. It may not necessarily be severe or even the most visible symptom if they feel chest tightness, pressure, or distress. A person may have no signs of a heart attack at all. The heart attack is not identified in these circumstances until a professional discover it later. It is commonly known as a quiet heart attack.
While heart disease is often thought to be a man’s illness, it does not discriminate. Men and women die due to this disease in equal numbers across the globe. On the other hand, many women may be completely ignorant that heart disease is just as severe a concern for them as it is for the men in their lives. One in every four women will die from heart disease, and they typically have specific risk factors and symptoms. Many risk factors for heart attack may manage by diet, exercise, and avoiding hazardous habits such as smoking. Make an appointment with your cardiologist to discover how to lower your risk of a heart attack and improve your cardiovascular health.