Cold, Flu & Cough
5 Simple Home Remedies For Viral Fever In Rainy Season
During the lockdown period, you must have fallen sick once, right? It is quite normal for human beings to be unwell as to what researches show. Once in a while, we get attacked by different parasites and get ourselves in trouble, but this does not mean we can’t reverse the action. However, there are certain times when you literally can’t take help from outsiders like in lockdown. Therefore everyone must know and learn the importance of home remedies( Ayurvedic remedies) to escape from difficult scenarios.

During the lockdown period, you must have fallen sick once, right? It is quite normal for human beings to be unwell as to what researches show. Once in a while, we get attacked by different parasites and get ourselves in trouble, but this does not mean we can’t reverse the action.
However, there are certain times when you literally can’t take help from outsiders like in lockdown. Therefore everyone must know and learn the importance of home remedies( Ayurvedic remedies) to escape from difficult scenarios.
Children of the age group 5-14 are difficult to handle. They have low immunity, and exposing them with too much western medicine might interfere with their body functionality making the situation worse. At these times, home remedies act as perfect supplies to cure the disease. Dry cough, high fever, and headaches are most common, especially in the rainy season. To cure these, a simple ingredient home recipe is considerable. Some of these include different drinks, while others may include raw eating. All the home remedies are suitable for all age groups and work instantly.
Below are some remedies you can enjoy at home:
Starting this list is one of the most famous drinks called Kaadha. This drink is an Ayurvedic method made from cloves, ginger, and honey. This drink boosts the immune system and protects you from the changing environment. It also helps you build your blood flow, making you feel less fatigue.
Healthy Eating:
During the rainy season, the chances of coming in contact with different bacteria and parasite increases. At this crucial time, you must avoid all the junk and outside food to stay guarded. Try inculcating healthy fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. These foods will supply different nutrients such as proteins and vitamins, enabling you to build your immunity system.
Hot Beverages:
Pretty sure you already have this point filled in your daily diet. Tea is the sole requirement of every household, and it makes you feel better and joyful. A hot cup of tea can make a perfect evening for you, and additional snacks are a cherry on the top. You can also use green tea and coffee to make it healthier and more resourceful.
Ginger And Rocksalt:
A combination of these two ingredients is regarded as one of the best curing methods. Whenever you feel that your routine might make you sick and symptoms are just around the corner, try eating a combination of these to shield yourself from the outside environment. If not comfortable, you can even have a piece of raw ginger around 3-4 times a day. Ginger helps you clean the abdomen and helps indigestion.
Fresh Fruit Juices:
Juices are, for sure, a good way through which you can improve your immunity. However, these only work best when they are consumed fresh and without impurities. Often juice shops make use of manufactured pulp, which destroys all the resources in the fruit. Try drinking homemade fruit juices with pulp( because the pulp contains a lot of healthy nutrients) to feel more secure and fresh.
Above mentioned are just some of the many home remedies you can try. Avoiding cold water and making use of hot foods are a couple of more remedies you can adopt to prevent diseases.
Special care is required among toddlers since they possess a low immunity system, and some of these remedies could prove helpful.
Make sure to implement all these remedies before it’s too late.